Thursday, 1 September 2011

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.

What’s your book with weather events? Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Blizzards? Real? Fiction? Doesn’t matter … weather comes up a lot in books, so there’s got to be a favorite somewhere, huh?

Hmmm....I drew a total blank as to books I've read where the weather plays a large role in.  There has to be some but I just can't think of any.  I do have the first two books in Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series on my bookshelf and hope to start them soon and as you can tell by their titles the weather plays a vital part in the stories.


  1. This was my answer! The series is awesome! :D I hope you enjoy it!

    My post's here

  2. Enjoy your series, nice answer.

  3. Great answer! These books look really good!

    Here's mine

  4. That series turns up a lot in answer to this question :-)
    Luckily I had a reading log, so I did turn up something cold.
