Thursday 22 November 2012

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week. 

It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S., so … what are you thankful for this year, reading-wise? New, favorite books? New gadget for reading? New comfy chair? Bonus time to read? Just the mere fact of BEING a reader? Having the internet to share ideas/recommendations/conversations about books?

Well here in the UK we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I don't need that to be thankful.

I am thankful for most of the things listed in the question.
I have found some amazing new favourite reads and authors this year, to name a few:-

  • The Fault In Our Stars- John Green
  • Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
  • Heart On A Chain by Cindy C. Bennett
  • Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry
The list could go on and on.
I'm thankful that I've met fellow book bloggers/vloggers that share the same passion for books as me, and I consider them friends.
And I'm also thankful for me Kindle, which my Mum gave me for Christmas last year, and has given me the opportunity to check out some great Indie authors.
I'm also thankful to the publishers that send me books for review, I consider it a great privilege.


  1. Yes, publishers who send books are great!

  2. Nice BTT. I'm grateful for publishers who send books and libraries where I can get others! And the book blogging community where I've made new friends and, on a daily basis, discover new books to read.
