- Paperback: 336 pages
- Publisher: Choc Lit (7 Aug 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1906931747
- ISBN-13: 978-1906931742
- Jessica Grant knows vampires only too well. She runs the York Council tracker programme making sure that Otherworlders are all where they should be, keeps the filing in order and drinks far too much coffee. To Jess, vampires are annoying and arrogant and far too sexy for their own good, particularly her ex-colleague Sil, who's now in charge of Otherworld York. But when a demon turns up and threatens not just Jess but the whole world order, she and Sil are forced to work together, and when Jess turns out to be the key to saving the world it puts a very different slant on their relationship. The stakes are high. They are also very, very pointy and Jess isn't afraid to use them, even on the vampire that she's rather afraid she s falling in love with...
- Cover: Not a huge fan of this cover. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.
- Unfortunately this book wasn't for me. The premise sounded amazing - the idea of an alternate history, in 1910 paranormal creatures came through a portal and that in 2012 are known about, and there's Treaty's and legislation including them and helping to prevent another war with the vampires, werewolves, zombies, demons, etc...
- It actually sounded like an adult version of Kiersten White's YA book 'Paranormalcy', with the protagonist Jessie being a council tracker, her job being to keep an eye on the otherworlders and make sure they are where they're supposed to be.
- I didn't really warm to her as a character, but I did enjoy her working relationship with her colleague Liam. Their banter and sarcastic comments were fun to read. However in some places the comedy felt a little forced.
- The love interest is where this book really fell down for me. Sil is a vampire and Jess has been in love with him for four years, but thinks it's a waste of time and emotion because she thinks vampires are emotionless and unable to commit, focused instead on feeding their demons blood and hormones.
- Sil is ruled by the demon that lives inside him. This means despite his feelings for Jess he is always having sex with other women.
- Sorry, but that's just not my idea of romantic premise, demon parasite needing to be placated or not.
- So I couldn't invest in him as a love interest because I resented and disliked him from the get go.
- Over all I would say give this a try if light, adult, paranormal romances are your thing and you don't mind anything of the things that bugged me.
- It just wasn't for me.
- 2/5 stars.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Vampire State Of Mind by Jane Lovering
Received for review
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Booking Through Thursday
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.
Do you find yourself thinking that the books you read would be good on film? Do you wish the things you watched on TV or in the movies were available as book?
Some really can’t be converted, of course, but some definitely can (and it’s not always the ones you think will work). There’s something to be said for different forms of media, but a good story is universal … or is it??
Sometimes when I'm reading and the author has done a tremendous job of describing a setting or location that it comes across as very visual, you can imagine it like it's playing on a screen in your head. For example when I read Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake I thought that the eeriness and over all premise would transfer amazingly to screen. However would I want it to be made into a movie?
If it was a faithful production of the book, yes.
Of course I'm an Austen fan, there have been legions of adaptations. Some of them amazing, for example the BBC 1995 Pride and Prejudice mini series. Then we have the 2005 movie which I personally think could have been better.
Austen's books have such appeal that we want to see more of them, in any form.
As with anything, some books to movie adaptations are better than others.
GIVEAWAY: Unlovable by Sherry Gammon [CLOSED]

Port Fare, New York, has fallen into the clutches of true evil. The Dreser brothers have arrived with a scheme to increase drug sales in the area by whatever means possible. Seth Prescott is part of MET (Mobile Enforcement Teams) a branch of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). He's been assigned to work undercover at Port Fare High, and things aren't going very well, until senior Maggie Brown enters the equation. He's harbored a secret crush on her from day one, and now that she is in the center of the case, he's trying to stay clear and objective while walking the line between business and unrequited love.
Maggie is truly the poster child for Heroin Chic, complete with jutting bones and dark-ringed eyes, but is she an addict, or is there another reason for her appearance? She struggles with her feelings for Seth, fearing he is just another person who will eventually let her down, as everyone in her life has done thus far.
Maggie has spent her life caring for her alcoholic mother. A task that has left her heavily burdened and alone. Before long, her mother's health takes a turn for the worst, sending Maggie's life into a tale-spin.
While Seth works relentlessly to inject fear into the dealers and flush them out into the open, Maggie fights to stay alive as the hunt turns deadly.
Seth and Maggie's romantic journey is one of humor, heartbreak, and self-discovery.
Thanks to the wonderful Sherry Gammon I can give away an Ecopy of one of my new favourite books- Unlovable to one of you awesome guys. If you want to know what I thought of Unlovable my review can be found here. Basically....it's a must read.
As it is an Ecopy the giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.
Good luck guys.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer
- Received for review
- Hardcover: 384 pages
- Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton (5 July 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1444740962
- ISBN-13: 978-1444740967
- What happens when happily ever after... isn’t?
Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book—one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.
And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a one-dimensional storybook prince. He’s a restless teen who feels trapped by his literary existence and hates that his entire life is predetermined. He’s sure there’s more for him out there in the real world, and Delilah might just be his key to freedom.
Delilah and Oliver work together to attempt to get Oliver out of his book, a challenging task that forces them to examine their perceptions of fate, the world, and their places in it. And as their attraction to each other grows along the way, a romance blossoms that is anything but a fairy tale. - Cover: I love the cover to this book! Perfect for the story and just beautiful to look at, it's much nicer in person than what comes across on screen.
I've never read a Jodi Picoult book before- her adult contemporary books are not in a genre or about subjects that I would normally read about, but her first YA novel co-written with her daughter, sounded far more my thing...and it was.
It definitely appealed. Delilah, an avid reader that becomes obsessed with one book, re-reading it over and over. Sound familiar? It did to me. Describing a character I could relate to, I knew I would have to check it out and I'm sure a lot of book lovers have felt the same way.
The book itself is beautifully presented- a gorgeous purple hardcover, stunning illustrations and I loved the use of different coloured inks- black for the fairytale book itself that Delilah is obsessed with, Purple for Oliver, the fairytale Prince's POV and finally green for Delilah's POV.
I definitely recommend checking this book out. It's such a sweet read, and the structure, design and over all premise make it awesome. Think Disney's Toy Story of the book world...
Even though it's co-written the writing is seamless and you can't tell. I ploughed through this book in no time.
I think this book will be enjoyed by people of all ages, if you love fairytales it's one not to miss.
My only complaint is that I felt the end was hurried. You wait almost 400 pages for one particular thing to happen, and then it does and 'poof' it's over. For me I wanted more than that.
But other than that it was the perfect read. 4/5 stars. Check it out!
It definitely appealed. Delilah, an avid reader that becomes obsessed with one book, re-reading it over and over. Sound familiar? It did to me. Describing a character I could relate to, I knew I would have to check it out and I'm sure a lot of book lovers have felt the same way.
The book itself is beautifully presented- a gorgeous purple hardcover, stunning illustrations and I loved the use of different coloured inks- black for the fairytale book itself that Delilah is obsessed with, Purple for Oliver, the fairytale Prince's POV and finally green for Delilah's POV.
I definitely recommend checking this book out. It's such a sweet read, and the structure, design and over all premise make it awesome. Think Disney's Toy Story of the book world...
Even though it's co-written the writing is seamless and you can't tell. I ploughed through this book in no time.
I think this book will be enjoyed by people of all ages, if you love fairytales it's one not to miss.
My only complaint is that I felt the end was hurried. You wait almost 400 pages for one particular thing to happen, and then it does and 'poof' it's over. For me I wanted more than that.
But other than that it was the perfect read. 4/5 stars. Check it out!
Saturday, 25 August 2012
On My Kindle #12
Instead of cluttering up my Book Haul/IMM's with books for my Kindle, I've decided to do a separate post, hosted by Totally Bookalicious.
This week on my Kindle:

Friday, 24 August 2012
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
- Hardcover: 394 pages
- Publisher: Dial Books (14 Jun 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0803736991
- ISBN-13: 978-0803736993
- A gorgeous debut about family, friendship, first romance, and how to be true to one person you love without betraying another
“One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.”
The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love, Jase's family makes Samantha one of their own. Then in an instant, the bottom drops out of her world and she is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?
A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.
Cover: I love this cover. A beautiful, romantic and relevant image. I also love the font.
I really enjoyed this book but at first I thought it was going to be a light, fluffy contemporary romance read, but it was a lot more than that. The first half is very typical YA contemporary romance-the-boy-next-door kind of thing,but it takes a more serious turn when Jase's father is the victim of a hit and run accident.
There was a lot I enjoyed in this book- Sam and Jase's romance, Jase's younger brothers and sisters were hilarious.
But Sam irritated me a little. She didn't have a spine! She let people walk all over her and didn't fight her corner, didn't stand up for herself, even when it turned serious. At the end when I finally thought 'Yes, you did the right thing!' she still found herself justifying Jase's little sister to her mother like she was ashamed of them.
Also, Sam fell out with her best friend Nan, but this was never really resolved by the end of the book so I was left feeling that the added friend drama was...redundant.
Overall I did like this book. It was a great, fast paced read but it didn't quite live up to the hype or to other YA contemporary reads I've read recently, Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and Unlovable by Sherry Gammon.
I still give My Life Nex Door 4/5 stars and think it's worth trying for fans of YA contemporary.
I really enjoyed this book but at first I thought it was going to be a light, fluffy contemporary romance read, but it was a lot more than that. The first half is very typical YA contemporary romance-the-boy-next-door kind of thing,but it takes a more serious turn when Jase's father is the victim of a hit and run accident.
There was a lot I enjoyed in this book- Sam and Jase's romance, Jase's younger brothers and sisters were hilarious.
But Sam irritated me a little. She didn't have a spine! She let people walk all over her and didn't fight her corner, didn't stand up for herself, even when it turned serious. At the end when I finally thought 'Yes, you did the right thing!' she still found herself justifying Jase's little sister to her mother like she was ashamed of them.
Also, Sam fell out with her best friend Nan, but this was never really resolved by the end of the book so I was left feeling that the added friend drama was...redundant.
Overall I did like this book. It was a great, fast paced read but it didn't quite live up to the hype or to other YA contemporary reads I've read recently, Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and Unlovable by Sherry Gammon.
I still give My Life Nex Door 4/5 stars and think it's worth trying for fans of YA contemporary.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Booking Through Thursday
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.
Do you like to talk about what you read? Do you have somebody to talk WITH?
I love to share my love of books with anyone. I love chatting about them here on the blog, or chat on twitter, goodreads or Youtube with people that have loved the same book. One of my friends shares the exact same taste when it comes to books so we're always recommending books to each other, so if we've read the same one (which is often) we can talk about it for hours. As I am book obsessed I love to talk about them any chance I get.
Do you like to talk about what you read? Do you have somebody to talk WITH?
I love to share my love of books with anyone. I love chatting about them here on the blog, or chat on twitter, goodreads or Youtube with people that have loved the same book. One of my friends shares the exact same taste when it comes to books so we're always recommending books to each other, so if we've read the same one (which is often) we can talk about it for hours. As I am book obsessed I love to talk about them any chance I get.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Elijah (Nightwalkers book 3) by Jacquelyn Frank
- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 539 KB
- Print Length: 383 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 074995549X
- Publisher: Hachette Digital (1 Mar 2012)- this edition
They are called the Demons, one of the elusive Nightwalker races living in shadow and struggling for survival against their human enemies. Their proudest warrior is Elijah, a man who bends for nothing and no one...until one woman brings him to his knees...
Some Feelings You Just Can't Fight
He is known as the Warrior Captain--a master of every weapon, a fierce soldier sworn to protect his kind. Powerful, relentless, merciless, Elijah has always won every battle he's ever taken on--until now. Ambushed by necromancers, he is left for dead only to be discovered by the woman who could very well deliver the final blow...Sienna, the Lycanthrope Queen.
With three centuries of warring, little more than a decade of uneasy peace has existed between the Lycanthropes and Elijah's people. Now, after a lifetime of suspicion, the warrior in Elijah is consumed with a different battle--winning Siena's heart by giving her pleasure beyond all boundaries. What starts as attraction and arousal soon burns into a passion with consequences that will echo through the ages for both their people. And as would-be enemies become inseparable lovers, another threat approaches, one with the power to destroy them all...
Surrender to the night.
Cover: Again I wish these covers were different. I just don't see the point of plastering a naked guys back on the cover.
This series started off so promising but for me, they've started to go down hill. I still liked the overall romance between Elijah and Sienna but the writing for me just became boring. It was hard to concentrate on it, I found myself re-reading sentences.
Elijah was an interesting character, his warrior personality and general hotness was fun to read but Sienna really annoyed me. I understood her initial reluctance to mate with Elijah (worrying about him being accepted by her people & thinking he might want to take her crown) but it was far too drawn out.
Overall I give Elijah 3/5. Again it just didn't match up to the first book and I was left feeling disappointed. I do have book 4 Damien on my Kindle which I will continue.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Booking Through Thursday
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.
What was the most emotional read you have ever had?
Has to be The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It made me feel every possible emotion.
What was the most emotional read you have ever had?
Has to be The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It made me feel every possible emotion.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Waiting On Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is all about sharing the books that I'm eagerly waiting to be released.

This is the sequel to Nevermore which I read last year and totally fell in love with. I devoured it and it became one of my all time favourite books. It ended on an evil cliffhanger so I'm dying to get my hands on this!
On My Kindle #11
Instead of cluttering up my Book Haul/IMM's with books for my Kindle, I've decided to do a separate post, hosted by Totally Bookalicious.
This week on my Kindle:

This week on my Kindle:

Sunday, 12 August 2012
Unlovable by Sherry Gammon
- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 582 KB
- Print Length: 341 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1461060524
- Publisher: Wordpaintings Unlimited; 1 edition (19 Jan 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
- Soon to made into a movie!
Unlovable is the debut novel for author Sherry Gammon, and is the first novel in the Port Fare Series.
Seventeen year-old Maggie Brown is truly the poster child for Heroin Chic, complete with jutting bones and dark-ringed eyes. But drugs are not Maggie's problem... her mother is.
Maggie’s struggling with her growing feelings for the new guy at school, Seth Prescott, and fears he is just another person who will let her down, like everyone in her life has done thus far.
Seth Prescott is an undercover cop assigned to Port Fare High, and despite his job, he’s developed strong feelings for Maggie.
Seth’s working tirelessly to flush out the sadistic drug peddlers that have invaded the small town of Port Fare, New York, while Maggie fights to stay alive as the search turns deadly.
Seth and Maggie’s romantic journey is one of humor, heartbreak and self-discovery as their world is about to change forever. - Cover: Eerie and beautiful cover. This is what first grabbed my attention. Love it.
I've wanted to read this book for some time now- ever since its gorgeous cover grabbed my attention. I way reluctant to buy it for my Kindle because I really wanted a physical copy, again because of the beautiful cover, and of course Kindle only shows it in black and white. But I finally caved and had enough of waiting to read it. And I'm so glad that I did.
This was a fantastic contemporary. Gritty and a little dark, with a swoon worthy romance, making it an undeniably beautiful read.
Maggie and Seth were fantastic protagonists. Maggie has been emotionally deprived and abused by her alcoholic mother, and yet while she has some trust issues, she remains a wonderful, kind human being.
And Seth...well I just loved him. Kind, considerate, (hot) and he doesn't believe for a minute that Maggie is involved in heroin as his partner, Booker, initially did.
Booker and Cole are great secondary characters and I really look forward to their books in the series, as well as seeing more of Maggie and Seth.
Their romance was beautiful and I highly recommend this contemporary. 5/5 stars! I completely devoured it and read it in a day. It reminded me of Cindy C. Bennett's Heart on a Chain which is one of if not my favourite contemporary reads.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Booking Through Thursday
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.
Name a book you love in a genre you normally don’t care for. What made you decide to read it? Did it make you want to try more in that genre?
Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake. A YA Horror novel. I don't do horror at all! In movies or books but this totally won me over and become one of my all time favourite books, and definitely made me more open to trying more books in this genre.
Name a book you love in a genre you normally don’t care for. What made you decide to read it? Did it make you want to try more in that genre?
Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake. A YA Horror novel. I don't do horror at all! In movies or books but this totally won me over and become one of my all time favourite books, and definitely made me more open to trying more books in this genre.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
BLOGTOUR: Excerpt +Giveaway -Stormy Weather series by Selena Blake
Series: Stormy WeatherBook 3
Genre: erotic paranormal romance
Keywords: werewolf, vampire, New Orleans, hurricane
Length: novella
Heat level: erotic
I really wanted more from this series. I wanted more...romance. There was plenty of sex...but I didn't feel any romantic spark between the characters at all.
Laurent was a sweet character, mourning the loss of Violet for hundreds of years, but Violet, now a vampire- bugged the hell out of me. I didn't see an emotional connection between them at all.
I was really hoping to discover a new favourite paranormal romance series, but unfortunately this series wasn't for me but I am giving someone the chance to win an ecopy in a giveaway below. So if you'd like to give this a try or you are a fan of erotic, paranormal romance this may be a series for you to try.
rain fell in heavy drops, but she didn’t seem to notice. In the dim light of
the street lamps, he could see her clearly now. Slowly, she lifted her hands
and pushed back the thick fabric hiding her face. She was almost too beautiful
to look at—and yet, Laurent couldn’t seem to look away.
He knew that face as well as he knew
his own.
His breath left his lungs in a rush.
Her eyes were just as blue as he remembered, only now they seemed to glow. Her
skin was still dewy and perfect, like that of a fine porcelain doll. Ethereal.
Her brows were perfect arches, the same charcoal brown he’d been fascinated by
all those years ago. Even in the darkness, he could make out the thick lashes
that fringed her eyes.
Those eyes…so blue, so beautiful. He
felt like he’d been kicked in the gut by a mule. Damn, she was beautiful. But
his mind raced with questions. Most importantly, what was she doing standing in
the middle of a street in New Orleans when she’d died two hundred years ago in
His arms and legs felt heavy, and he
realized he was getting drenched. But it didn’t matter. He’d stand in a
hurricane if it meant finding out if she, if Violet, were real. Or if
he’d finally lost his mind and was only envisioning her.
Her lips were just as rosy as he
remembered; her nose as perfectly shaped, her face oval and oh so familiar.
She remained silent. Did she
recognize him?
He stepped closer, silently praying
to the gods, Fates, and anyone else who would listen. Sniffing the air, he
tried to catch her scent but she was downwind.
“Violet?” He didn’t like the husky
tone of his voice. Hated the weakness in his knees, the soreness that resided
where his heart had once been. Loathed the desire he still felt for a woman
long dead.
Could his eyes be playing tricks on
him? Could this woman really be his little Violet? After all these years?
Not trusting himself or his luck, he
took another step. She lifted her hands to her lips, almost as if she were
praying. Her fingernails were long and polished a glossy red.
A sharp ache erupted inside his
chest, and he reached up to rub it. His hand brushed something, and he looked
down to see a dart sticking out of his skin. Plucking it out, he stared at the
woman before him. Then she and the rest of the world went dark.
Selena Blake writes erotic paranormal and
contemporary romance. First published in 2008, her series Stormy Weather has
been on the best seller lists and nominated for awards. She's a fan of
action movies, Diet Coke, Milky Way bars and thunderstorms, not necessarily in
that order. Learn
more about her online at http://www.selena-blake.com or
catch her at facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authorSelenaBlake or on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SelenaBlake
Monday, 6 August 2012
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer
Received for review
Hardcover: 448 pages
Hardcover: 448 pages
- Publisher: Atom (17 July 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1907411763
- ISBN-13: 978-1907411762
- Alex and Conner Bailey's world is about to change, in this fast-paced adventure that uniquely combines our modern day world with the enchanting realm of classic fairytales.
The Land of Stories tells the tale of twins Alex and Conner. Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, they leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with the fairy tale characters they grew up reading about.
But after a series of encounters with witches, wolves, goblins, and trolls alike, getting back home is going to be harder than they thought. - Cover: Stunning! Just look at that gorgeous cover! I love the relevant fairytale images- Rapunzel's tower, the big bad wolf, the beanstalk, a castle etc etc. The perfect cover for this book- just how the Land of Stories is described.
- I devoured this book! I'm not normally a middle-grade reader but this really intrigued me and the beautiful cover made up my mind that I had to check it out.
- I love fairytales, like many readers I grew up on them and were my first taste of storytelling. Chris Colfer has really captured the feel of fairytales in this book. Alex and Connor fall into The Land of Stories and come across so many familiar characters- we all know their stories, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood - the list goes on. But we get to see what has happened to them after the 'happily ever after' and the turn of the last page in their story- Cinderella is an expectant mother, Sleeping Beauty is having trouble keeping her subjects awake and Goldilocks is a wanted fugitive! Chris Colfer didn't go half measures with this book- not one of two fairytales, but rather it was brimming with them! He knows his fairytales and his love for them came across in his writing.
- The plot was there as well! Alex and Conner must collect a list of items to be able to use 'The Wishing Spell' so they can wish to go home- leading to adventure and mayhem.
- There's also an element of mystery- I did guess it but then I am 20 years old and so not this book's primary target audience.
- I highly recommend this book. It's a must read for middle-grade fans, fans of adventure reads or simply for those who enjoy fairytales. Anyone of any age, this book has a little of everything for everyone. If you are sometimes put off books written by celebrities, don't be put off this- Chris Colfer is a very talented writer and I savored every word.
- 5/5 stars! Cannot wait for the next book.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
On My Kindle #10
Instead of cluttering up my Book Haul/IMM's with books for my Kindle, I've decided to do a separate post, hosted by Totally Bookalicious.
This week On My Kindle:

This week On My Kindle:

Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Angel Dust by Sarah Mussi [Review + Q & A]
- ARC received for review
- Paperback: 352 pages
- Publisher: Hot Key Books (2 Aug 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1471400026
- ISBN-13: 978-1471400025
Would you move heaven and earth for the one you love? ANGEL DUST is a powerful, gritty and utterly modern tragic love story with a twist. When Serafina, the brightest and most beloved of all God's angels, is sent to collect Marcus Montague - the original badman - and take him to Hell, she finds herself powerfully drawn to him and makes a decision that places her in the middle of a war between Heaven and Hell. Can Serafina fall in love without falling from grace? Can Marcus's soul be saved? And just who is the mysterious and ever-so-helpful stranger Harry?
Cover: I love this cover! Dark and beautiful at the same time. Relevant as well!
I so wanted to love this book more than I did. The blurb definitely made it sound like something I would devour- an angel, a gangsta and a forbidden love.
It took me so long to get into this book-3 days to clear the first 100 pages.
I didn't connect with Serafina as a character- her narrative voice was annoying. She seemed to be very knowledgeable one minute and then be completely naive to the next. For example, she always wanted to go in a minicab, but didn't know she needed money. She's supposedly thousands of years old but she really didn't come across that way.
Also, she risks everything for Marcus, but I genuinely don't see why. They don't really see them spend much time together, and I didn't really get a feel for Marcus's character. We know he's a gangsta, but he's not all bad as he takes care of his family. That's it. That's the extent of his character. I wish we had seen them spend more tine together so I could believe their romance was real, instead of one-sided obsession on Serafina's part.
Also I found the ending to be too ambiguous, after 350 of waiting to see if Serafina could save Marcus's soul and they be together I didn't feel it was successfully concluded to my satisfaction.
I loved the idea of this book but in the end it just wasn't for me- 2.5/5 stars.
Q & A with Sarah
Writing ANGEL DUST was one of the most exciting and all-consuming things I have ever done. Although I’d had the idea for a while and spent a lot of time thinking over the story and getting to know Serafina, my protagonist, when I met up with Sarah Odedina, the MD of Hot Key, and she told me she’d like ANGEL DUST to be on the launch list of their brand new shiny publishing house (WOW, faint and take deep gulps of air) – I had to swing into action. And swinging into action meant getting up at 4.00 a.m., writing my target number of words (4,000 a day in the first drafting stages), doing my day-job, returning home to edit that morning’s word count and finally flopping down in front of a DVD (all angel based or dark romance or plot based or classical references that could inform my thinking about genre, narrative and setting!) and then a chapter or two of my chosen target audience reading. Not much eh!
2. What’s the best thing about being an author?
The best thing about being an author is getting a note on Facebook, or a few characters on twitter, or an email from a friend telling you someone liked your story. For me that’s what it’s about. A writer without a reader is like a fish with a bicycle!
3. What was the easiest/hardest part of writing Angel Dust?
The hardest part of writing ANGEL DUST was getting the voice of Serafina. What would an angel sound like? What might she know? Not know? It was soooooo hard. I wanted her to be totally good but that made her very naïve. If you never think bad of anyone or anything – then you are really too innocent to be true. Plus I wanted her to sound holy – but Biblical language is very stilted and at odds with how I wanted Sera to sound… oh, it was hard!
The easiest bit of writing ANGEL DUST was the scenes between Serafina and Marcus. They almost wrote themselves. When two people are in love there is something special in the energy they create when they are together. I wanted those scenes to last forever.
4. What do you think most appeals to your readers?
I think readers want events and characters in a book that they can believe in and like. Readers are very smart. They will soon work out if something is a bit creaky in the plot. So as a writer I have to be sure I give them my best. But I think what appeals to readers also appeals to writers: a fantastic story with danger and excitement, being drawn into a special world or place that offers some kind of meaning and events that unfold to a satisfying end – albeit maybe a sad one.
5.What is your dream cast for your book?
I want new faces for ANGEL DUST. New, young and very talented. I don’t want someone to be watching those poignant moments between Sera and Marcus and thinking of Twilight!
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