Thursday, 6 September 2012

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week. 

We all had to read things in school that we didn’t like … but what
about something you read for a class that you ended up liking (or
loving)? An author you discovered that you might not have found? A
genre you hadn’t thought about?

I can honestly say I have never really ended up loving a book that I had to read for school.  I just finished my A-Levels, and I took English Language and Literature.  I had to read Hamlet for coursework and Hard Times for my exam, partnered with a text of my choosing.  Hamlet was ok but I didn't love it, Hard Times was a chore, while I liked Dicken's purpose for writing it, I still didn't enjoy reading it.


  1. Enjoying something "assigned" to us in school brings up lots of memories, but here's MY THURSDAY MEMES POST

  2. At the time you don't enjoy it or maybe not as much.

  3. I always read a lot from a young age, so the assigned reading didn't bother me as much.
