Thursday, 14 March 2013

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week. 

Does your current mood affect your reading? Affect your choices? I know there are plenty of books I enjoy, but only if Im in a particular kind of mood–or books that can lift me out of a bad mood without fail. Surely I’m not alone?

I know a lot readers say the same, but I don't think I do this.  And if I do it's certainly not a conscious decision.  I never know what I'm going to read one book from the next, and I just whatever jumps out of my shelf at me at the time.  But I know a lot of people that say when they're down they like to read a happy, contemporary romance book or something but I just don't do it.


  1. I think about my moods when selecting books, but I also have the review books to consider...when I choose them, though, I try to select books I think I'll enjoy.

    Here's MY BTT POST

  2. Despite my mood, I usually stick to what I'm reading at the time.

  3. I do find that I'm in the mood for some books more than others when I go to pick out my next read, but I'm not sure I can quite pinpoint exactly why all of the time... Here's my BTT response.
