Thursday, 20 October 2011

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.

Do your reading habits change when you’re on vacation? Do you read more? Do you indulge in lighter, fluffier books than you usually read? Do you save up special books so you’ll be able to spend real vacation time with them? Or do you just read the same old stuff, vacation or not?

Hmm...when I'm just on a school break I read more...just more of what I would normally read BUT when I actually go away on vacation I take lighter reads for travel, the beach, evenings in the hotel after dinner  and general driving around on holiday (obviously I'm a passenger and not a driver) because I know I'm not going to get a lot of reading done.  I try to read on the boat but normally I don't feel too good on the boat to read all that much.  


  1. being on a boat reading doesn't bother me so much....depends on how choppy the water is!

    Trish - My BTT Post

  2. I do the same, pretty much read what I always read :)

    Here's mine:

  3. I really never get motion sickness when I read, whether it's in a boat or a car. However, like you I usually bring lighter books along for vacation.
